What is the Montessori Method?
The Montessori Method was created by Maria Montessori.
Montessori was an Italian Doctor who created a teaching method and hands on learning materials. This method is used all over the world.
The Montessori Method is typically used for children, but many aspects of her method apply to language learning at any age.
Language and Montessori
How the Montessori Method can be applied to language learning:
Montessori Method
Montessori starts with children learning the sounds of the language, rather than the letter names.
Language Learning
Before you learn the alphabet in the language, it is more efficient to learn the sounds of the language.
Montessori Method
In order to teach grammar, Montessori created grammar symbols in order to symbolize. This is a visual representation of grammar.
Language Learning
Symbolizing is a visual way to learn the grammar of a language. Symbolizing helps to recognize the word order, which is different in many languages. It makes the experience of learning grammar more enjoyable.
Three Part Cards
Montessori Method
In Montessori classrooms, there are works called “Three Part Cards” these usually consist of a photo, a name, and a definition. These are typically Cultural works, for example, Parts of the Fish.
Language Learning
Three part cards help with vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Independent Learning
Montessori Method
The Montessori Method promotes independent learning. This means choosing what to learn and work on independently. The Montessori guide in the classroom gives presentations. The students then choose when and how to complete their follow up work.
Language Learning
Many language learners are learning languages independently. Independent learning works for language learners because it allows the learner to choose and customize what topics they want and need to learn.
Work Plans
Montessori Method
A work plan helps keep track of learning. Children follow a work plan as a guide to plan their day of learning.
Language Learning
A language learning work plan serves as a planner and tracker to keep track of language learning progress.
Montessori Method
Montessori materials are used over and over again. For example, the stamp game for math is used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The students can also choose to work on a material as much as they would like.
Language Learning
It is important to come back to previous learned concepts of a language so that they will not be forgotten.
Freedom of Choice
Montessori Method
Children in a Montessori classroom have the freedom to choose what they would like to work on and when they would like to work on it. One day a child may choose to work math first, but a different day they may work on math later. The children know what they need to work on and choose from that. Some children choose to work on the same material for the whole work cycle. That may be what the child needs at that time, but it is important to remember that learning should be a balanced mix of all subjects.
Language Learning
In language learning, it is important to remember the freedom of choice. You are learning the language independently, whether you have a guide or not. A person may choose to learn a language and focus on common phrases or vocabulary that pertains to what they need to be talking about. Someone else may only focus on the grammar rules. Remember that while you have the freedom of choice, it is important to have a well balanced mix of the different aspects of the language.
Work Cycle
Montessori Method
In Montessori classrooms, there is a three hour work cycle in the morning. During this time, children are independently work and receiving presentations of the Montessori materials.
Language Learning
It is important to have a work cycle when learning a language. Setting aside time each day, whether that be 15 minutes or an hour, will help structure language learning success.
Scope and Sequence
Montessori Method
A scope and sequence in Montessori is a list of what a child should learn by the time they have completed the three year cycle. The guide observes the children and when they are ready, they receive the next presentation for what is on the scope and sequence. The children can move as slow or as fast as they want through the scope and sequence.
Language Learning
A scope and sequence can help keep track of language learning. A Language Learning Scope and Sequence will be coming soon!
Intrinsic Motivation
Montessori Method
Montessori’s concept is that the children will be drawn to the materials and have an inner desire to learn.
Language Learning
Intrinsic motivation is important in language learning because there has to be an inner desire to learn the language. It will help open your mind to take in the new information. Come up with your “why” for why you are learning the language and stick with it.